About us
Led by the innovative and experienced team of Information Systems Architects teamed up to provide affordable Information Systems solutions that can fulfill the need of a Business organization or an International development project.
We are not just a Business organization but a contributor to the human society; therefore, we think differently from others. We offer special price for non-profit International Development projects and our team is led by Software Development project managers with 20 years of experience of developing software for International Development projects and Business organizations.
Beside providing web solutions, we are experienced in research and conducting surveys.
We provide web solution that can manage all your organizational needs from one place.
Your business may require something unique and out of the box. We can provide you with something exactly you are looking for or may be beyond your expectation with a touch of our creativity.
In this era of mobile technology, first thing that comes to the mind in managing difficult tasks like managing remote activities or Realtime information from low resource settings; Mobile app is the only solution. With our outstanding achievements, so far, we can promise you the best.
Let shoppers enjoy your products just by moving clicking on the desktop or just from their mobile device! You can just leave on us for your complete eCommerce Solution or just tell us how would you like it to be?
Got you! You are not just looking for a website, you are looking for a website that will do some works on its own. We can provide you with dynamic website solution with unique responsive designs.

IPConnect is a suite of mobile health (mHealth) applications that help strengthen administrative IPC procedures and allow National Department of Health staff gather and analyze data for improved occupational health through targeted IPC resources and response.

Yano tech has developped Pantracker to geotag probable and confirmed COVID-19 cases to prevent spread of the infection.

The TB Platforms Project Philippines adopted and utilises the ConnecTB mobile health (mHealth) application of URC and developped by Yano tech for recording and reporting patient data during directly observed treatment support (DOT) visits to TB and MDR-TB patients in Philippines

A utility system for supporting official activities like booking venues for meetings, sending a request to participants and taking meeting minutes; submitting a requisition for stationaries, organizing quiz etc.

ConnectNCD, a tool in increasing treatment compliance among the patients suffering from chronic non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.